About me

My name is James Maweu and I go online by the handle 9h4wk.
I’m generally a fledgling cybersecurity savant and intrepid university student.
My passion for all things cyber was first kindled during my formative years, when I became entranced by the mysterious ways in which technology operates. Since then, I have delved ever deeper into the complex and captivating world of cybersecurity, honing my skills in both offensive and defensive tactics.


About the blog

My passion for all things cyber was first kindled during my formative years, when I became entranced by the mysterious ways in which technology operates. Since then, I have delved ever deeper into the complex and captivating world of cybersecurity, honing my skills in both offensive and defensive tactics.

My goal is to provide you with a comprehensive and engaging resource that will inspire you to explore the many facets of the cybersecurity universe.

So buckle up and get ready to embark on an exhilarating journey into the vast and thrilling world of cybersecurity with Nighth4wk!

My goal Here is to

  • Document what I learn.
  • Share knowledge that might help others.